
Salesforce Commerce Cloud VS Magento Commerce

Commerce Platform Comparisons

Technology vendors are constantly innovating and improving their products to keep up with customer expectations and business needs. As commerce becomes a leading giant in the tech world, two popular platforms that cover a full spectrum of commerce needs are Salesforce Commerce Cloud and Magento Commerce.

Background Overview 

Magento Commerce 

Owned by Adobe, Magento is a leading eCommerce platform that’s used by many small to medium-sized commerce stores. Built on a scalable, open-source platform with unparalleled security, premium performance, and a low cost of ownership. A solution that can be tailored to both B2C & B2B businesses on a single platform. Features include: 

  • Web Design 

  • Shopping Cart 

  • Customer Service 

  • Order Management 

  • Mobile Commerce 

  • Product Management 

  • SEO 

  • Marketing 

  • Analytics & Reporting 

  • Multiple Websites  

Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC) 

Previously known as Demandware, was bought by Salesforce in 2016. SFCC offers advanced commerce and intelligence capabilities and is one of the best SaaS solutions for larger organizations. SFCC consists of separate B2C & B2B commerce solutions. Features include: 

  • Full-featured reference app with cart & checkout 

  • Merchandising and marketing tools 

  • Native targeting A/B testing 

  • Product, pricing, and catalog management 

  • Campaigns and content management  

  • Site search and guided navigation 

  • SEO 

  • Global scalability, security, and performance 

  • Multisite management and localization 

  • Internationalization 

  • AI-powered experiences 

  • AI-powered business tools

Magento Top Capabilities 

Business Intelligence  

Magento's Business Inteligence is a complete analytics platform that consolidated data from your database. It leverages data to give businesses a better understanding of their customers and their behaviors. The available intelligence tools identify best-performing products, campaigns, and priority customers.     

Shopping Process 

Magento simplified their online shopping experience for both customers and brands through quick checkout options and various payment gateways that support multiple currencies and languages.  


Magento is a PaaS that offers flexible hosting, as well as cloud storage. 

Salesforce Top Capabilities 

Omnichannel Solution 

SFCC understands the importance of phygital experiences by integrating physical stores with online stores and delivering unique customer experiences at every touchpoint of the customer journey.  

SaaS Platform 

Getting ahead of the game, Salesforce plays a fundamental role in cloud computing solutions by delivering real-time data no matter the type of operation. The platform guarantees performance and reliability under heavy loads, which is one of the strong suits of SFCC. In addition to being fast and easy to implement, businesses have the ability to connect with the Salesforce Suits, and leverage Einstein, CRM, Productivity, and more.  


With changing customer expectations and purchasing needs, Salesforce offers more flexibility when it comes to a smooth shopping experience. With their various features, customers have the ability to return products at their convenience, as well as enjoy the benefits of BOPIS. 


Powered with AI & ML, SFCC personalizes the shopping experience by analyzing customer behavior in real-time, in addition to providing immediate store assistance and catering content to users.  

Salesforce Einstein is a turnkey intelligence solution that accelerates decision-making and productivity. It also empowers businesses with built-in intelligence to engage with empathy, increase productivity, and scale customer experiences. 

Rich ecosystem

Salesforce's ecosystem of cartridges supports a variety of use cases including payment, reviews, loyalty etc. Not only that, but also improves development speed and adaptability. By taking advantage of no- and low-code solutions, businesses can extend app development beyond their IT departments, within a rapid development environment.  This rich ecosystem also offers Salesforce Order Management Software (OMS) as an adjacent product. OMS allows businesses to deliver flexible, omnichannel order management anywhere in the world.


Although both platforms offer unique capabilities, there is no best solution that fits all. Depending on your business goals, organization size, team maturity, budget, and current system architecture, the most suitable platform differs.  

If you’re looking for expert assistance in selecting an eCommerce platform and tailoring it to your business needs, reach out to us for a no-cost, no-commitment consultation.