
Migrating Insite settings between environments

To setup the configuration to export the settings go to Tools->Application Dictionary.

Application Dictionary Menu

Click the filter button.

Filter icon

In the object name field enter the value of WebsiteConfiguration.

Website Settings Filter enabled

Click the filter button again to return the filtered results.

Filter icon

Below are the results you should see.

Application Dictionary with no export enabled

If you do not see these results click the regenerate button.

Regenerate icon

In the list of options, select the row Name in the column Field Name.

Application Dictionary overview

Click the Include In Export checkbox.

Select the "Include In Export" for ParentWebSite Name, Value and Description.

Now you should have four rows selected.

Selected field update to have include in export selected

Click the save button.

Accept icon

Now it is time to create the extract. Go to Website Settings->Website Settings and confirm the correct website is selected.

Click the filter button.

Filter icon

In this example we are going to extract the website setting Show_Saved_Credit_Card. We are going to filter for Show_Saved_Credit_Card.

Website Settings overview

To export the data click the export icon in the top right.

Export icon

This will initiate a download with the saved configuration.


In order to load the data in another environment, go to Website Settings in the next environment, then click the Import button.

Import icon

The web browser will ask you to open the configuration file. Select the file then click the open button.

Browse dialog window for import

After the file has been imported the configuration value will be displayed in the new environment.

Website Settings overview

Now you should have transferred the Insite settings between the two environments.