
eCommerce UX: How to create a flawless experience, increase sales, and drive happy customers.

What is eCommerce User Experience?

Generally, a user experience (UX) design helps understand consumers to provide them with a simple, logical, and enjoyable shopping experience. When it comes to eCommerce UX, it’s all about the perception a user has after engaging with a website.

As eCommerce trends constantly change, customer expectations and needs change as well. This results in higher bounce rates and cart abandoners. With today’s “smarter” and tech-savvy audience, a good UX is no longer appreciated, but rather expected. According to Adobe, 38% of online shoppers will leave a website if they find the design to be unattractive. A good eCommerce UX is more than an eye-catching design, it’s about having multiple components that work in harmony to help visitors navigate a site and complete their goals in the most efficient manner possible.  

Drive conversions and increase sales 

The simplest or most complex detail can affect your eCommerce game. Here are some considerations for eCommerce UX: 

  • Operational simplicity 

  • Product promotion 

  • Data security 

  • Easy navigation 

  • Frictionless flow 

  • Provide speed 

  • Accurate content 

  • Fresh content 

It takes a visitor 50 milliseconds to make the first impression about a website, for that, user experience design begins from the very start of a buyer’s journey – discovery. An eCommerce website needs to grab user’s attention with clear and quick messages in addition to relevant call-to-actions that will drive them to search their products and offers.  

Aspects of UX 

The thorough logic and transitioning between processes and fast system feedback plays a huge role in delivering a seamless and frictionless journey to maintain user retention. In the case of eCommerce, the four key aspects of UX are quite clear: 

  • Utility: by helping users choose and buy products/services they need.  

  • Usability: by delivering an easy customer journey without lost time on page loading, unnecessary clicks, inconvenient navigation, or slow processing.  

  • Accessibility: by providing a user-friendly design that can be used by different categories of users such as those with disabilities or low levels of literacy.  

  • Desirability: by delivering a customer-centric, informative, and engaging design solution that leads to an enjoyable experience and repeat visit.  

eCommerce UX design elements 

  • Easy navigation on home page/landing page 

  • Proper site search and filters 

  • Personalize user interface 

  • Customize fields for better engagement 

  • Prominently display primary actions 

  • Simplify checkout and payment processes 

  • Add high-quality images 

  • Allow list creation 

  • Provide inspiration 

  • Create ways to get people back to the website 

eCommerce designers and businesses who pay attention and deliver a unique user experience can capitalize on this market growth. A good shopping flow can result in impulse purchases, less cart abandonment, and higher overall conversion.  

To end things with the words of Steve Jobs: “Design is not just what it looks and feels like. Design is how it works.” 

If you’re looking for expert assistance in selecting an eCommerce platform and tailoring it to your business needs, reach out to us for a no-cost, no-commitment consultation.